Page 31 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 31

Vocabulary                                            Grammar

          fly    •    land    •    navigator    •    pilot      Adverbs of manner
          flight attendant    •    take off
                                                                Aby utworzyć przysłówek, najczęściej dodajemy
          j ourney – travelling from one place to another
 1   18  Read and listen. How old was    (over a long distance)  końcówkę -ly do przymiotnika.
 Amelia Earhart when she disappeared?
          trip – a visit to a particular place
 On 2nd July 1937, Amelia Earhart hoped to   e xcursion – a short trip for fun, usually for   careful – carefully   easy – easily
 land her plane on the tiny island of Howland in   a group of people  loud – loudly        happy – happily
 the Pacific Ocean. (1)    She and her plane simply
 vanished. What happened?                                       quiet – quietly
 Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 in the USA. (2)      4  Choose the correct answers. Why doesn’t the   sad – sadly
 She didn’t think it was interesting. But later she flew as   other word fit?  slow – slowly
 a passenger in a plane over Los Angeles. She knew then   1 We went on a school trip / journey /

 that she wanted to learn how to fly. (3)   She flew very well.   excursion to a museum.  Uważaj!
 Not many people flew in those days so it was unusual for    2  He drove the plane / car / bus very fast.  Istnieją wyjątki, których trzeba nauczyć się
 a woman to be a pilot. But Amelia Earhart was an unusual   3 There were about 450 people in the plane /   na pamięć.

 person. In 1932, she was the second person to fly a plane   train / coach.
 alone across the Atlantic Ocean. (4)    She wanted to fly a

 plane around the world.  4 The pilot / navigator / flight attendant   fast – fast  hard – hard
 In June 1937, she began her journey around the world from   helped fly the plane.  early – early late – late  good – well

 Miami, USA, with her navigator, Fred Noonan. First, they flew   5 The plane flew / took off / landed from
 across the USA to Brazil. (5)    On 2nd July 1937, they took   Warsaw airport.  John can run fast.
 off from New Guinea to Howland Island. The plane never
 arrived on the island. People searched for Earhart and   Listen  7  Complete the sentences with adverbs
 Noonan for weeks, but they didn’t find them.                     of manner. Write the answers in your
 So what happened? Maybe she flew too slowly   5   1    Listen and complete the following   notebook.
 or too fast. Maybe she got lost, ran out of   information according to what you hear.  1 He drove at 100 kph. He drove too    and

 fuel and crashed into the  sea. Nobody                              crashed into another car.
 knows. It is still a mystery today.     Names of the people talking:   2 We arrived    at the station so we missed

             Time it took to get to Scotland:                        the train.

             Place where the boy stayed:                          3 She listened     to the teacher because she
             Place where the girl went on an excursion:              wanted to understand everything.
                                                                  4 My friend cried and spoke     when she told

                                                                     me she was leaving the school.
                        Skills Explorer                           5  We got up    at 6 a.m. to catch the train.

                                                                  6 We talked     because the other passengers
            Uzupełnianie notatki na podstawie nagrania               were sleeping.
            •  Przeczytaj uważnie nagłówki, które sygnalizują,
               jakie informacje masz znaleźć.                     7  She did the puzzle    . It wasn’t difficult.
            •  Zastanów się, czy rozumiesz znaczenie wszystkich   8  The tired old man walked    to the bus stop.
               nagłówków.                                         9  They played    and won the game.
            •  Postaraj się wyszukać konkretne informacje.
                                                                10  He studied     for the test.

           Speak                                               Listen

          6  Ask your partner these questions about           8     1    Listen and choose the correct words.
             a holiday he/she went on. Then tell the class         21
             what he/she said.                                1  Sally is talking sadly / happily.

             •  Where did you go?  •  How did you get there?  2  John is running slowly / fast.
             •  How long was the journey?  •  Did you go on   3  Fred arrived late / early.
             an excursion? Where?                             4  The twins are playing quietly / noisily.
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